Vocab Nov. 2nd

Polyrhythm (300) - two rhythms being played at once
Voice (305) - the details that make an artist who they are
ES 335 (306) - what gave bb king his voice. The sound that he had in his head. This is a type of guitar.
Gibson (306) - the brand of guitar bb had.
Gauge (307) - bb used a specific string gauge to achieve fatness of sound.
Sweep pick (312) - techique that was outside of BB kings genre that incolves the sweeping of arpeggios
Double bass (313) - two kick drums. Ideas used in metal. A style BB listened too and turned away from.
4/4 (316) - the time signature most blues is in.
Mixolydian (317) - scale with maj 3 and dom 7.
Dorian (317) - flat seven and three. Used over 4 chord.
Seven chords (320) - major or minor chords that have 7s
Chord tones (333) - areas like the 3rd and 5th of  a chord


  1. Try to add more vocab each week, it will help increase your reading as well.


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