Friday Blog 9/13/18

Since Wednesday, I have been reading Clapton The Autobiography by Eric Clapton.
Pages read: 122
1: Basin (2) - A bowl designed for washing, typically attached to a wall that has faucets.
2: Consumption (2) - The using up of a resource.
3: Inundated (3) - To be overwhelmed with things to deal with.
4: Conscientious (5) - A person that is wishing to do right.
5: Reminiscent (5) - tending to remind someone of something
6: Ironmonger (6) - A person/store that is selling tools and such.
7: Haberdashers (7) - Someone who sells small articles for sewing.
8: Privy (8) - Sharing in the knowledge of.
9: Disciplinarian (10) - A person that believes in and practices strong discipline.
10: Bemused (11) - To puzzle, confuse or bewilder.

Image result for basinHere is a basin!


  1. Replies
    1. Okay! I have plenty more, I will include in this weeks vocab and reading blogs. Thanks!

  2. Great words! I learned a few new ones from this blog.


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