My Plan

My Plan

For my topic this quarter I chose to read about the lives of three of my favorite musicians. My reasoning for this is that these musicians all lacked the formal training that jazz musicians would have gotten. I want to learn about how they got to the point of musicianship that they did without the formal training that other musicians would have received. Furthermore, I would like to learn about how I can strengthen a lot of my own musical skills without the aid of my music teachers.

Essential Questions:
1. How does lacking formal education in music effect who you are as a musician?
2. Are there benefits to not having a formal education in music?
3. How does life experience effect a blues musician?
4. What forms the sound and identity of a blues musician?
5. What formed the genera of blues?
6. How does blues music grow compared to Jazz and other genres of music?

Blues all around me by B.B. King and David Ritz - 368 pages
Room Full Of Mirrors - by Charles R. Cross - 400 pages
Clapton The Biography - by Eric Clapton 345 pages

1113 total pages for this quarter

Plan -
Week one - Room Full Of Mirrors 120 pages
Week two - Room Full Of Mirrors 120 pages
Week three - Room Full Of Mirrors 120 pages
Week Four - 40 pages of RFOM and 80 pages of Blues All Around Me

Week Five - Blues All Around Me 120 pages
Week Six - Blues All Around Me 120 pages
Week Seven - Blues all around me 40 pages Clapton The Biography 80 pages

Week eight - Clapton The Biography 145 pages
Week Nine - Clapton The Biography 120 pages

Blues All Around Me: The Autobiography of B. B. KingRoom Full of Mirrors: A Biography of Jimi Hendrix


  1. Is this different enough from what you did this summer? I'm not totally confident that it will be.

  2. I think that this topic is interesting. I was in Big Band for a year and I fell very far behind so i can see how you are curious about the lack of proper training aspect that you are talking about. can't wait to see how this plays out!

  3. I really like your essential questions. They are really in depth and you will have a lot to write about. Good job! :)

  4. It is very organized and makes it easy to understand. I feel as if you can have a lot to talk about with this topic.


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