Quote blog September 24

Eric Clapton Biography
Week 1: 120 pages
This week: 268

Coming up to this point in the book, Clapton is reflecting back on his family life as a child and what music did for him throughout this time. With Clapton now a successful musician on his own personal career, having come from his first band Cream and having done work with Duane Allman, Clapton begins to look back at his life and what helped him get to this point. With having so many dilemmas and problems arise throughout his life. Like finding out that his mother had left him, in addition to the fact that he was a bastard child. Also things like getting addicted to drugs like Cocaine, Acid and becoming an alcoholic. He was able to over come all of these different things without therapy or rehab centers. Clapton talks a lot about how music was what kept him going, and how it was music that brought him back up every time that he fell down. This makes a lot of sense when looking back to his early life as Clapton had talked a lot about listening to the country music on the radio and how it brought him to a different place each time that he listened to it. He had stated that these places were stress and judgement free of all sorts of problems. Then later on, through music, Clapton met new friends and people that would change his life like Albert King. 

Looking at the career of Clapton now, music especially is a large part of his life. This may seem like a silly statement, but he lives with his wife in a big house located in England. All he does is play guitar and play small shows in his area that pay next to nothing! Occasionally, he will travel to the Royal Albert hall to play a gig. Out of all of the musicians that I have followed, Clapton has had the most diverse musical style as well as the most devotion to music. You can also see this through his passion for trying to keep his favorite styles of music, like the blues, alive. Clapton has encouraged and helped many young musicians like; Joe Bonamassa, Quinn Sullivan, John Mayer, Derek Trucks, and more. Without Clapton, music would be in a very different place than that of where it is right now.  

“For me there is something primitively soothing about this music, and it went straight to my nervous system, making me feel ten feet tall.” (Clapton 188)

I personally can relate to this quote one hundred percent. The only form of therapy that I have in my life, that allows me to destress is listening and playing music. A lot of times, If I am listening to a very powerful piece of music, my adrenaline will kick in and I will feel completely connected to what I am hearing, disconnecting from everything else around me. Also, in relation to what Clapton said in context, music has allowed for me to form some unbreakable friendships in my life. Once you understand somebody musically, I feel as though you can predict and understand their every move from that point forwards. I think this because, music is a feeling and an attitude that someone can relate too. You can't fake liking a style of music. You either like a piece of music or you don't. 
Here is a picture of some music therapy:
Image result for music therapy

Here is a song that I really enjoyed recently:


  1. Jake,
    I agree that the type of music somebody likes says a lot about them. I also love listening to music to release the stress and tension I have in my life. This is a very cool topic that I can tell you love to read and write about.

  2. I think sound healing and music therapy are really up and coming concepts/careers that you might want to dip your toes into before they are satiated!


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