Analytical Blog

96-112 Jimi Hendrix

So far, up to the point that I am at in Hendrix's biography, I have seen a lot of influence from Clapton. Both Hendrix and Clapton had their moments of fame around the same time. However, Clapton's career outlasted Hendrix's. A large part of Hendrix's playing was that he pulled from the old and the new influences around him. A lot of people from this time did not typically do such a thing. Clapton for instance, grew up listening to older musicians like Muddy Waters as well as the old time classics that were played on the radio. It was not until later on in his career that Clapton started branching out and creating music that was slightly more modern than that of his influences. Hendrix, on the other hand, seemed to take a different approach. With what I had said about Hendrix being highly motivated to be unique with the music that he produced, he took the old and mixed it strongly with the new with influences from the societal traits of the time. The first album that Hendrix produced came out in 1967. It was titled Are You Experienced. The music as well as the album artwork heavily fused the ideas of old with the new psychedelic era of the late 60s.  

On this album was a song titled Hey Joe, originally written by Billy Roberts in the early 60s. When listening to the recording, one will notice that the song is a medium tempo acoustic song that has no large dynamic changes as far as energy and intensity. When picked up by Hendrix, the song and the dynamic ranges of the song were drastically changed. This is something that Hendrix picked up from people like Clapton in his song composition. Clapton influenced Hendrix to form his band with Hendrix being the frontman, backed up by bass and drums. This instrumentation allowed for Hendrix to have the optimal control over and what he played and how he played it. When it came to Hendrix's choice in album artwork, one can see how psychedelic it is, with the trippy spirals and choice of psychedelic yellow.
Image result for jimi hendrix are you experienced

As far as I see it, mixing old influences with new influences must be the best way to go due to Hendrix's success. As of right now in my life, I have begun to really learn specific roots styles. For example, at the moment, I am focusing on nailing the blues style. Before this, when playing the blues, I would mix my blues ideas with jazz ideas. This I have now found to be a cool idea, but not something that I should base my entire blues style off. He then said, once I solidify my blues playing, I can add in ideas from other styles for effect. For the most effective style, mix old blues ideas with new blues ideas. This is what Hendrix did in order to be the most successful! By doing this, you are able to feature the old blues that everyone is used too mixed with the new blues that not everyone is familiar with, but may be ready to hear.


  1. It's really creative if your strategy is to read about people who used different styles so you can learn in more variety.

    1. Absolutely! I have always seen that variety is the best way to go when it comes to music and other life skills!


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