Analytical Blog


Variety is something that was a large component in Hendrix's life. It was the source for his booming career. It was what set him apart from the other musicians around him. So far in the book, Jimi has now made it to England where he began playing in as many blues clubs that he could get his hands on in London. In the 60s, the music scene in London was at an all time high. Back in the US, Jimi was playing wild psychedelic music that specifically had a huge impact on those in the northern parts of the United States, populated with acid influenced hippies. Once over in the UK, Jimi began to play the blues, a style that the audience in the UK was ready for. However, Jimi played this style with the same intensity and insanity that he did over in the US. One of the many listeners in his audience was blues musician Eric Clapton. Clapton was recorded saying that Jimi was like Buddy Guy on acid. From there, Jimi began to open up to his audiences, leading them towards the more psychedelic side of his music. This variety in his playing is what allowed for Jimi to be so successful. It allowed for him to capture the ears of a large amount of followers and pull them into his own music style.

Jimi's career was not only packed full of variety as far as his music went. It also had a lot of variety as far as the way that he acted. On stage, Jimi would act wild. For a society that was not quite open and use to sex and insanity, Jimi would give them all of that. He was known for humping his guitar on stage, making many sexual gestures towards his band mates and those in the audience. This was unseen and unheard of in the early to mid 60s. This stage performance added a new level to music that was not present before. It pulled people out to go and see Jimi perform because not only were they listening to extremely new music, but they were also seeing something that they had never seen before. To add, Jimi dressed in an extremely exotic way that was not normal for the time! However, off stage, Jimi was a completely different person. He was very humble and shy. This dynamic made it very easy for people to work with him. Due to this, Jimi was really well liked by a lot of the people that he met.
Image result for jimi hendrixImage result for jimi hendrix humping guitar

I would personally wrap these major things that contributed to Jimi's success as stage presence. This is something that I need to start implementing into my music. Without stage presence, talent and voice are the only two things that set you apart from other musicians. Those two things are only audible, plus, once you get to a certain point, the average listener can not tell the difference in talent. At that point it comes down to personal preference. Stage presence is one thing that can really set a musician apart and make her or him well known in the music industry. Looking back at the past, the most well known musicians had a lot of very describable physical actions and characteristics. The Who for example would destroy their equipment at the end of shows. This is one of the things that set them apart from other bands during that time period.


  1. I have seen some of your videos, and you definitely dance during them, so I feel like you are on the right track, showing that you feel the music, etc.

    1. Thank you very much! It is hard not to move, music is so groovy! I got told I need to move less by a judge at a competition one time!


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