Quick burst


Taking Jimi's focus on the roots of music as well as Tomo's ideas on knowing the roots of specific genres, I have spent a lot of time working on my traditional phrasing. The other day, I plugged in and turned my amp up allowing for tube distortion. I then used an overdrive pedal just as Jimi would have in order to achieve a very distorted guitar tone. From there I worked on playing blues with Jimi and traditional blues artists in mind. Here is what that sounded like! I posted this video to Instagram, and my idol Matt Schofield commented some pointers on the video!!! Below that is the video!


  1. This is really cool. I think it's awesome how you are so good at promoting the things you try out.

  2. I find this so interesting just because I am a normal student at Pentucket that is able to say that they know you. You have always been interested in music since elementary school and its so amazing to watch you grow.


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