Reading And Vocab Blog Oct. 5


Duckwalk (62) - The dance that Chuck Berry made famous.
Pentecostal (58) - Relating to a Pentecost.
Pentecost (58) - A Christian festival.
hypertension (58) - One of the issues that lead to the death of Hendrix's mother, Lucille's, death. High blood pressure.
Cirrhosis (58) - Scarring of the liver that is caused from many different liver issues and diseases.
Transfixed (54) - Motionless with horror.
Sermon (54) - A talk on a religious subject.
itinerant (50) - Traveling from place to place.
matriarchal (51) - relating to a form of social organization
debonair (97) - Confident and stylish
enigmatic (119) - Difficult to interpret and understand.
prescient (121) - Knowing about events before they happen
somnambulistic (121) - Sleepwalking
parameter (113) - defining characteristic of a particular system.
contradictory (111) - mutually opposed
insatiable (109) - impossible to satisfy
motown (105) - style of music recorded by a studio titled motown.
amphetamines (99) - drug used to treat ADD children. Commonly abused by Hendrix.

Hendrix and his mother Lucille .
Image result for jimi hendrix mom


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