Vocab blog

Inversion (345) - A chord where the notes are re arranged to have either the 3 or 5 in the base
Scaleular (347) - an approach used in music where you think specifically scales
Chordal knowlege (347) - knowlege that hendrix applied when creating his music
Morgue (350) - A place where dead people are kept before being burried
Vesparax (340) a german brand of sleeping pills that are a lot stronger than american sleeping pills
Aspirated (345)- an exhailation of breath
Hashish (344) cannibis
Sedative. (344) a drug that relaxes a person
Exacerbated (343) to make a problem worse
Fatigue (343)exausted
Fond (341)a strong liking of
Awning (341)a sheet of canvas
Meteoric (339)very rapid growth
Incendiary (337)designed to cause fires
Rabid (330)
Coning from extreme belief in something


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